Best Fidget Toys for Adults

Are you looking for the best fidget toys for adults? Everyone from time to time needs a distraction. Something to either help them focus on listening or on distracting them from the monotonous drone of a long meeting. 

This list looks at some of the best fidget toys for ADHD adults and really for anyone who fiddles with their fingers from time to time. It’s a lot better than biting your nails, and these options look a lot more professional. 

best fidgets for adults

Magnetic rings have gained popularity in recent years. You can do tricks with them and you can see examples in the video below. 

A lot of people really like the FinGears brand for delivering one of the best fidgets for ADHD adults.

I play poker. In 2005 – 2010 when poker was trendy these types of fidgets were not available. You couldn’t buy them, they didn’t exist. But poker chips existed. A few chip tricks remind me of the tricks that this FinGears magnetic ring set mimics.  I would spend a long time at a poker table shuffling chips. This is a portable, magnetic version of that, with a whole lot more options for tricks and a much lower bar for entry.

An adult version of the classic spinner? You bet! It has a nice amount of weight and it’s small enough to be inconspicuous. 

I used to spin pens. I still spin pens. It is annoying and loud when they drop. I have had managers and co-workers stare at me VERY impatiently when the pen drops. Usually, someone tries to stop me from spinning the pen but I ignore them because I know that This time the pen will not drop. 

Usually, I’m wrong. Occasionally I have gone a whole meeting without dropping the pen though. But don’t chance it. Pick up your weighted spinner today and avoid nasty stares from your coworkers when the pen drops. 

The profesional fidget toy. ONO is silent and rolls extremely smoothly. This is designed to engage your hand thoughtlessly while it enables you to focus on other things. 

The ONO comes in many different sizes to make sure it fits correctly to engage your whole hand. Making sure there are no idle fingers can be the difference between successfully keeping your hand busy or putting the fidget down to pick your nails. The ONO does a great job of offering the right size for all different people. From large adult men to 9-year-old children, there is an ONO for you. 

Infinity cubes are one of the best fidget toys for adults because they’re inconspicuous and they can engage both hands at the same time. This is perfect for a long zoom meeting or a long study session.

These are so effective and cost-friendly that I started keeping them as backup gifts to have on occasions when you get surprised you need a gift. I gave it to one co-worker and they loved it. A few others asked me where I got it and now they are using these infinity cubes to focus. 

While the cube isn’t really “infinite” it has infinite distraction possiblities. Well worth the small amount.

I don’t have this fidget. Yet. But I LOVE the look of it. It’s a unique adult fidget toy that has a lot of similarities with traditional spinners. But it’s much more versatile.

The gears and interplay between the chain are very satisfying. But my favorite part is that it becomes a motorcycle for your desk.  My son still pushes remote controls, markers, or anything else around on a desk or table like a car. I feel like this fidget would lend itself to a very satisfying drive around a desk. 

It’s not always easy to find the best fidget toys for adults, but this list gives a great overview of some of the best options. 

When you need to find a distraction to help keep you focused (which sounds like a contradiction, but it strangely isn’t) A fidget like one of these might be just what the doctor ordered.

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